About MediaNet Solutions
MediaNet Solutions, Inc. (MSI) is a product development and professional services company. MSI provides three innovative web-based software systems: e-IEP PRO, e-ELL PRO and e-MTSS PRO.
The e-IEP PRO Special Education Student Management System, MSI's flagship product, is a customizable web-based software that simplifies and automates the management of the special education process for Arizona schools, districts and education agencies. The web-based software allows quick and easy access from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet. In Arizona, the e-IEP PRO is utilized by approximately 580 districts and agencies and manages over 125,000 special education student records.
The e-ELL PRO English Learner (EL) System is a customizable web-based software that simplifies and automates the management of the EL process for Arizona schools, districts and education agencies.
The e-MTSS PRO System is a customizable web-based software that simplifies the management of the academic and social emotional supports for students and the overall management of the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) process.
The e-IEP PRO, e-ELL PRO and e-MTSS PRO are web-based software products that allow quick and easy access from any computer or mobile device connected to the Internet.
MSI has been in business for 25 years and has been providing software products to schools, districts and agencies for the past 23 years. MSI has 7 professionals dedicated to fully meeting the needs of its customers.
MSI is committed to providing high-quality products and services and this core value is reflected in its 98% retention of its school district customers.
The e-IEP PRO, e-ELL PRO and e-MTSS PRO are currently sold and supported in the state of Arizona.
MSI's offices are located in Phoenix, Arizona.

Our Software Solutions
MediaNet Solutions, Inc.'s education management software solutions include:
- e-MTSS PRO - Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Management Software
- e-ELL PRO - English Learner Student and Forms Management Software
- e-IEP PRO - Special Education Student and Forms Management Software

MediaNet Solutions, Inc. Celebrates 20 Years of Successful Business in 2018

What People Are Saying
"Your team has been supportive and expert, especially patient, as I learned the basics of e-IEP PRO. Your technical assistance, training, professional development for individuals and whole teams has been a source of strength for our programming in support of ESS Scholars."
Paul Fulginiti
Kayenta Unified School District
Exceptional Student Services